What are the redundant functionalities of an eCommerce?

What are the redundant functionalities of an eCommerce?

What are the redundant functionalities of an eCommerce?

Witnesses:  witnesses are an opinion of a customer that’s written on the website.  

 Class/ particular account:  for an individual client to save their contact details for an easier, hastily sale system in the future and subscribe up to be the first to hear new updates and content from the business. 

 Reviews:  these are life and when someone clicks the review, it can connect to the source of the position to where the review was published.  

 Chatbots:  in case a client or caller to the eCommerce has any queries or questions, they must be suitable to ask someone online for help and backing. Chatbots are available24/7 to help snappily to the number of customers. The chatbots are grounded on AI( artificial intelligence) and run on the bus- airmen with a mindset of guessing what the client is looking for with automated responses. 

 Other important chatbots that are related to other messaging services and different platforms are Viber, Whatsapp, and Facebook Messenger.  

 These platforms can have a private messaging service between the client and ecommerce adjunct or AI.  

Menu( main/ primary, footer, Social Links)  

 Branding Logo, color pallet, fountain brace  




 Product roster  

Protect runner  

 Control visibility 

 Linked product( partner. Show an upscale, show affiliated products  

 Company/ store position details